The entry fee is £55 per person (£40 for members) which includes coffee and bacon roll on arrival, a two course lunch and prizes
The Senior Men's Open winner will be the best nett score over 18 holes. Entrants must be aged 55 or over on the day of competition
1. 18 Hole competition
2. Played from Yellow Tees
3. Handicap required from a recognised golf club - Limit 24, higher handicaps can enter but play off 24 for this competition (this has to be done by calling the office)
4. All entries are on a first come first served basis
5. No refunds will be made unless a substitute is found after the closing date
6. Start times will be distributed via email prior to the competition
7. Payment needs to be made at time of entry, the system will delete your entry if no payment is made. Credit and debit card payment, sorry Amex not accepted.
Dress Code - Smart Casual attire must be worn in the Clubhouse upon completion of round
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